Gifted and Talented


Region 10 Gifted and Talented services provide educators opportunities to learn ways to respond to the intellectual, social, and emotional needs of gifted/talented students.

State Goal Regarding Services for Gifted Students

Students who participate in services designed for gifted students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment. High school graduates who have participated in services for gifted students will have produced products and performances of professional quality as part of their program services.

Service for Cooperative Members

The GT Program at Region 10 is funded through cooperative membership rather than relying on state or federal funding. Each district, charter, and private school decides whether or not to become a member. Membership includes:

  • Access to the state-mandated, 30-hour foundational trainings without a fee.

  • Access to face-to-face trainings, webinars, and online courses without a fee (unless otherwise specified).

  • Integrated content support designed to aid in differentiating instruction for advanced learners

  • Coordinator informational meetings and workshops

  • Ability to host cluster sessions (limited availability)

If your district/campus is a member of the Gifted & Talented Co-op and needs a training, please complete a Training Request Form.


Program Coordinator
Instruction and Innovative Practices
Dr. Holly Bishop
Email Dr. Holly Bishop

Gifted & Talented (GT)
Jessica Gitzinger
Email Jessica Gitzinger

Ronald Bramhall
Email Ronald Bramhall

Administrative Assistant
Bobette Mauck
Email Bobette Mauck