Local Government Officers 176.007

Fulfilling the requirements of HB 914, which created this amendment to Local Government Code, as stated:

SECTION 1. Subtitle C, Title 5, Local Government Code, Chapter 176. DISCLOSURE OF CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICERS; PROVIDING PUBLIC ACCESS TO CERTAIN INFORMATION, § 176.007. LIST OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. The records administrator for a local government entity shall maintain a list of local government officers of the entity and shall make that list available to the public and any person who may be required to file a questionnaire under Section 176.006.

The local government officers of Region 10 Education Service Center (400 E. Spring Valley Road, Richardson, TX 75081), required by the statute named, are as follows:


Title or Role

Function or Representation

Dr. Jana Melsheimer

Executive Director

Chief Executive Officer

Elvia Flores

Board Chair

Dallas County (Elected)

David Foerch

Vice Chair

Dallas County (Elected)

Dr. Bruce Wood

Board Secretary

Kaufman and Ellis Counties (Elected)

Kelem Butts

Board Member

Charter Schools (Elected)

Dr. Debra Crosby

Board Member

Fannin and Hunt Counties (Elected)

Debbie Gillespie

Board Member

Collin County (Elected)

Eric Reeves

Board Member

Dallas County (Elected)

Charlie Williams

Board Member

Grayson County (Elected)