Partner PE Manual

Region 10 ESC Partner PE Administrative Guidelines and Curriculum Manual Available for Purchase 

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What is Partner PE?

Partner PE is a success-oriented physical education program featuring supervised peer tutors and individualized learning and instruction.

It is taught by a regular physical education teacher and is established as a regular unit of instruction in the master schedule. The purpose of the program is to encourage physical activity, increase knowledge of health and fitness strategies, and assist in the acquisition of individual lifetime recreation activities and/or skills associated with team sports.

Who Will Benefit?

Partner PE is designed to meet the unique physical education needs of students with disabilities who cannot meet the requirements of regular physical education because of physical, social, emotional, or behavioral limitations.


Assistant Director
Dr. Shelee Duke

Email Dr. Shelee Duke

Adapted PE Specialist
Thomas Swinden

Email Thomas Swinden

Adapted PE Specialist
Carmen Franco

Email Carmen Franco

Adapted PE Specialist
Jasmine Oviedo

Email Jasmine Oviedo

Administrative Assistant
Eboni Williams

Email Eboni Williams